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config hash to clipboard #98
This copies the hash of a success config upload in vbot to clipboard.
File: bot.lua | 442b | 7 lines.
  Script made by Lee (Discord: l33_) -
  If you want to support my work, feel free to donate at
  PS. Stop ripping off my work and selling it as your own.
-   displayInfoBox(tr("Succesful config upload"), tr("Config %s has been uploaded.\n%s", config, data["message"]))
+   local regex = ': (.*)'
+   local re = regexMatch(data["message"], regex)[1]
+   if #re ~= 0 then
+     g_window.setClipboardText(re[2])
+   end
+   displayInfoBox(tr("Succesful config upload"), tr("Config %s has been uploaded.\n%s", config, data["message"] .. (#re ~= 0 and '\n\n' .. re[2] ..' copied to clipboard')))
+ add | - remove

29 May 2022